Wednesday, April 6, 2016

No posts for a few days, though I have been writing. The question has been posed: is posting a poem online a hindrance to submission and/or publishing? Is it considered self published and thus no longer eligible under many first rights requirements? Until I know, I will have to keep my writing offline. I will try to complete this challenge, but alas, can't afford to risk putting it on the blog.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Day two. NaPoWriMo: family portrait.

Finding a space to write today was challenging. Not entirely happy with these, but like most writing, it's getting it on the page that matters. Then comes the refining, the fire.

Scarlet Runner

With you, it was Yahtzee,
Ice chips
And a crown (much too large).
Dimples and fire.

We gasped
March wind in our lungs
Music between our lips.

You always turned away
  Clinging, reaching outward
 Never  back,.

Rambunctious vine
in my breast
 turned to the sun.

Honey Locust

Bound into rock
Green burning,
Iron hard
With youthful thorns
I knew you wouldn't stop
Until you bloomed.

Anita Hunt

Friday, April 1, 2016

Repurposing this Blog

I've decided to make this blog about my artistic and writing projects, and created another for all things home and homestead.  Today is the first day of NaPoWriMo, a 30 day challenge to write a poem a day for the month of April.  So here goes.

Day 1 prompt--optional, but this one seems like a good warm-up: write a "lune," an English language three-line poem with a 5-3-5 syllable count, similar to a haiku.

Anxious for release
Giggling teens
Await the last bell.

Sort of sums up my day. Let's try another, about my neighbor's dog who spends half his time in our yard. This time I strung a few stanzas together. 

Although he's not mine, 
Harley sits
Brown eyes full of hope. 

He watches my hands
Paw rising
Waiting for a treat.

The chickens don't mind
Sharing corn.
His fur is no threat.

Gentle guardian
To two homes
Enough love for all.

Well, it's not great, but a fine exercise. Until tomorrow...